Tótem FAQs



Please do not use tótem as weapon or shove it where it doesn’t belong.

Tótem is meant to be an indoor plant support and is to go in the plant substrate only.


Please do not use it to hold up a heavy tree/plant (like the old sycamore tree that fell over in the backyard).

Tótem is meant to be used with indoor houseplants that have a stem diameter that is half the size of the pole or less. 


Please do not twist Tótem like you’re giving it an arm burn.

Just a gentle twist to lock will work perfectly.


Use it. Show it off. It’s beautiful.

Instead of using that ugly, brown, furry, moldy stick; use tótem to accessorize that gorgeous plant.

Buy tótem today!

Note: TÓTEM is patent and trademark pending. Other names, phrases, and symbols used within in this site may be trademarked.

Please refer to the US Patent and Trademark Office for details.